Friday, December 3, 2010

Qatar to host 2022 World Cup despite not remembering bidding for it

Qatar City, Qatar--Yesterday, it was announced that Qatar, a country in the Middle East, will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. "I don't know who bid for this, but this is freakin' awesome," said Hamad bin Jassim, Qatar's Prime Minister. The country's athletic governing body, the Emirate of Qatar Athletic Association, the group that would have orchestrated an official propsal for the nation of 1.7 million people, has no recollection of bidding for the world's most watched sporting event, held every four years. "We talked about making a bid and then the email that had the application attached was accidentally deleted and we never followed up with FIFA. But, heck, we'll take it," said the association's president, Tom Mohomed.

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