Saturday, November 10, 2012

College basketball game to be played inside aircraft carrier

Charleston, S.C.--In an attempt to "out-do" last year's Carrier Classic, a college basketball game played on the deck of an aircraft carrier, the N.C.A.A. has decided to hold this season's game inside the massive, yet very cramped, U.S.S. Yorktown. "Anybody can set up bleachers and a court on the deck of a ship," said Sara Cartwright, the N.C.A.A.'s director of marketing. "But, try playing the game two decks below with the same number of spectators looking on. It's a definitely a challenge. but we love challenges." Because of the tight quarters, some of the ground rules during the game include: bunks are considered in play, low-hanging ducts or pipes are out of play, and dribbling is optional in the mess hall. Also, because the baskets will only be set seven feet off the floor, dunking is not allowed and shots must bounce off the floor before going through the rim. "We are still debating whether or not dribbling will be optional during the entire game."


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