Monday, November 19, 2012

High percentage of everything bagel toppings dislodged during bumpy bike ride home from store

Old City, Philadelphia--Kyle Dyson looks forward to his everything bagels on most weekend mornings, sometimes used to make an egg sandwich or sometimes smothered in cream cheese. Most of the time the middle school math teacher and father of two walks to the nearby coffee shop, but on Saturday he happened to be passing a Whole Foods Market on his bike and decided to make a quick stop for muffins and bagels. The decision to transport the breakfast treats a greater distance in a store paper bag hanging from the handlebars proved costly. "It was a windy morning and the bag kept blowing against the bike. I mean, over and over. Also, my tires had direct hits with potholes, sewer covers, and trolley tracks, it was bad. I just shook my head knowing that most of the mouthwatering toppings that make an everything bagel so good were now at the bottom of the bag," said Dyson, who admitted he should have just purchased a plain bagel because that's basically what he ended up with anyway. "At home, I gathered the loose toppings, lightly wet the bagel, and sprinkled, hoping they would stick. It didn't work."

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