Wednesday, August 28, 2013

U.S. Open: Double known number of Bryan Brothers spotted at NYC party not result of too much alcohol

"We got sloppy," said one brother. "We got damn sloppy," added another brother.
New York--Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan are the twin brothers that make up the famous Bryan Brothers men's doubles tennis dynamic duo. The brothers have captured more doubles titles than any other pair before them and took home all the precious metal hardware from the four major titles over the past year. 

This after just over two years ago, the United States Tennis Association closed an investigation that looked to uncover the "actual number of Bryan brothers." The two-month, intense investigation did not yield the result the USTA had clearly expected. 

"For several years, it was believed that there were actually three or four brothers, that they were triplets or quadruplets, and, during breaks in long or short matches, would substitute for each other in order to keep fresh and systematically wear down opponents," said USTA official, Margaret Hargrove. 

However, the USTA was "generally satisfied" that the Bryan Brothers were only twins after the in-house inquiry turned up nothing. On Saturday, at a party celebrating the start of this week's U.S. Open at a posh Manhattan penthouse, two more brothers than usual were spotted preparing to pull a "party switch." 

"We are fairly certain that the brothers blew their cover while trying for a substitution at a Park Avenue gathering," said Hargrove. "Bill and Mack, now officially the other half of the Bryan quadruplets, were frustrated that Bob and Mike were not only getting all the tennis glory, but were also reveling in all the partying as well. Bob and Mike agreed to let Bill and Mack mingle among the guests for 'about thirty minutes.'" 

It was during this switch that one intoxicated partygoer stumbled upon the group and took a quick snapshot. The brothers were caught off guard but posed for the camera, then tried to convince the swaying, slurring photographer that the "extra two brothers were a result of all the wine." Immediate efforts by the Bryans to obtain the camera were unsuccessful. 

"We got 'em," said Hargrove.  

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