Officials have now confirmed that the tiger, which escaped from its moated area earlier this week in the San Francisco Zoo, jumped its way out.
"Tigers have great leaping ability and I think many people don't realize that or often forget it," said Jim Leroy, tiger jumping and footing expert of the Bay Area.
After escaping the giant cat went on a rampage killing one zoo visitor and critically injuring two others.
One zoo official expressed surprise,"Now we know that tigers can jump. Before this incident we only thought they could and now we know they can."
Some believe that the cat had been purposely deceptive in its jumping skills to fool the zoo keepers into letting their guards down. This particular tiger failed several jumping tests that were administered throughout the year.
"This tiger couldn't even jump a small puddle before the incident," said zoo keeper, Darryl Ventin.
Jag undrar om man får låna bilden på tigern till
Who are they kidding ? A tiger can't leap 12 feet in the air -
especially when he knicks his prey and draws blood. Game over.
Supposedly, the victims really were taunting the big cat... and if so -
I don't feel sorry for them.
But I can personally testify to seeing cougars jump that high. And I always assumed tigers could also.
Cats X 5 =
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