Tyler Steroyds, 45, of Norristown, PA is an avid fisherman. He is not, however, your everyday fisherman when it comes to the well-known North American style of angling with a rod. When the weather is nice, or even not so nice, you'll find him on the east bank of the Schuylkill River a stone's throw from the borough's Barbados Island with a bow and arrow.
One of the few area bow fishing enthusiasts remaining, Steroyds has decided to change his normal routine for the upcoming weekend by using a rod. The Delaware Valley Bow Fishing Alliance (DVBFA) member is always studying and investing in the latest bow fishing equipment in an effort to "think two or three steps ahead of the fish." Last week, however, after scouring outdoor gear catalogs and internet sites for weeks, he finally purchased a rod from Penn Reel.
"Steroyds using a rod?" said the fisherman's friend, Tom Giller,"I never thought that I'd see the day. It's about time Steroyds turned the screw on a rod."
Steroyds admits that he hasn't used a rod since he was child when he struggled to catch any type of fish claiming he "didn't like the style."
"It's like a rod was using me before; but this weekend Steroyds will use a rod to go fishing on both Saturday and Sunday," said Steroyds.
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