Chicago--For years Major League Baseball has talked about adding a new base between first and second bases with the intention of the added bag to provide larger players a "resting area" to recoup when attempting to steal second or after hitting long singles. It would also allow these "stockier" players to take larger leads. "Players can take a lead off of first and make a break for base 1.3," said Harry Snick, MLB rule evaluator. Snick, and baseball in general, is calling the new base, positioned twelve feet from first, 1.3. "The base is great to have when caught in a rundown," added Snick. "Also, if tired, the runner can decide to run to 1.3 if the batter behind him walks or gets a single." Prince Fielder has used the new base to significantly add to his stolen base numbers, where runners are credited with 0.3 stolen bases when arriving safely at 1.3. "One-point-three has been good to me so far," Fielder said, after five games with the new base. "I'm well-rested, I'm a base-stealing threat and ... I just kind of like hanging out at 1.3. It's fun. It's like a little fort or something."
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