"SING ON A LONG DRIVE." Harry's answer to 'What would you do to pass the time on a cross-country road trip?' during an interview with Comcast SportsNet's Michael Barkan in August of 2005.
"I just went down to the concession stand and they were OUTTA BEER."—During a late-inning blowout victory over the Chicago Cubs in 2003.
"GREAT CRAB!"—At the urging of Phillies fans in a packed seafood restaurant in Stone Harbor, NJ, Harry stood and called out his fondness for the local crustaceans during MLB's All-star break in 1995.
"WATCH THAT BABY!"—After Phillies second baseman Juan Samuel ripped a foul ball into the first base stands at Veteran's Stadium narrowly missing a newborn child in July 1987.
"And from the land of HIGH FLOWERING RYE..."—Announcing Chris Coste, Phillies catcher, who hails from the large rye-producing state of North Dakota.
RIP Harry
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