Friday, April 15, 2011

Bonsai tree cell phone towers improving neighborhood's aesthetics, not cell coverage

Philadelphia, PA--T-Mobile, after a recent poor showing in Consumer Reports, promised local customers they would improve their cell coverage over the area by "any means necessary." The German-based communications company--known in Deutschland as Das Telefonica--answered with, what some are calling, a hilarious new technology that has been largely ineffective: bonsai cell phone towers. "They look like real bonsai trees, same size, but I still don't get very good mobile coverage," said Tim Hanover, 47, of Southwark. "There may be bonsai in more places, but not bars in more places." Others are not so quick to dismiss the new technology. "They work. They work just fine," said Heather Bendnt, a Pennsport resident, about the small, metal and plastic trees. "You just have to be standing right next to them or, in some cases, put your face right into the heart of the tree ... while talking. And then I just want to start clipping them and grooming them. It's not fair."

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