Above: Steve Schilling from the University of Michigan attempts to leap over a miniature NFL combine at the NFL Combine this past weekend in Indianapolis. The Combine, an annual showcase of incoming talent for scouts and coaches, concluded on Monday and league officials are calling it a huge success. "We wanted to have some fun with players this year and get them to relax a bit," said Steve Hilliard, the organizer of the combine. "We thought bringing in little combines to the Combine would achieve this. The tryouts can be a stressful time for these young athletes and we think we accomplished what we set out to accomplish." Below: Gabe Carimi of Wisconsin is unable to clear the small NFL combine, but says that overall he did well at the Combine. "When I first saw the mini NFL combines I chuckled because it reminded me of my family farm back home in northern Wisconsin," said Carimi, applying a medical wrap to the cut sustained from landing on the combine. "I used to spend hours and hours in a combine harvesting the farm's wheat. I guess my combine experience didn't help my combine experience. Thanks a lot, dad."

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