Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Recent survey shows Chester residents finally warming to Union soccer

Above: A Chester, Pa, resident proudly displays the Union logo (center) on the outside of his two-boxroom home. "A professional soccer team is exactly what this town needed," said the resident. "Originally, I felt the money for a new stadium would be better directed toward the Chester School District or the much needed social programs for the city. But, I was wrong and, unfortunately, it took us a couple of years to realize this. Go Union!" A recent survey shows that the Major League Soccer club, in its third season, is a source of pride in this community of 34,000 residents. The team, which claims to have a very positive relationship with the city, generously outfitted this fan with new cardboard from boxes arriving at PPL Park for a large shipment of concession stand supplies. (The cardboard, the Union confess, had a recycling value of around $20.)   

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