This week is Beer Week in Philadelphia which is being marked by various events throughout the city and suburbs over ten days. Organizers felt the title Beer Week and 72 hours didn't have the same ring as Beer Week.
The 10 days are a tribute to the area's macro beer selection from Coors and Miller to Budweiser and Molson to name a few. "This morning I was tasting a beer from the Rockies and in the afternoon I was sipping a beer from St Louis," said beer drinker, Garry Stenchik.
Organizers want to show the beer nation that "Big Beer" is a viable option for the Delaware Valley's beer drinkers. "We want the region's drinkers to know that they can walk into a pub and order a Bud Light or a Coors Banquet beer and won't be riduculed," said Philly Beer Week organizer, Jim Dugan.
"I really feel that I'm drinking melted snow from the snow capped mountains of eastern Missouri that was then turned into beer," said Sam Ulston referring to Budweiser, a beer drinker who made the five hour drive from Pittsburgh.
"I love all the macro beer tv commercials," added Stenchik.
So whether you love the ads, the cross-country transport of the beer, the watered down flavor or specially lined cans come and celebrate Philadelphia Beer Week with a 30-pack.
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