Snack Wheels Inc, a Kensington company, is profiting from area automobile accidents. The company, who began operation last week and created after the I-95 closure, listens to Philadelphia Police radio reports to determine where accidents have occurred then spring into action.
The company specializes in providing beverages and snacks to those commuters waiting in miles of traffic. How do they service these vehicles? "We have about fifty mopeds with coolers on the back to store food and drink, which assure the products arrive cool or even cold," said Snack Wheels president, Milton Besinger.
The mopeds allow for delivery to tightly congested areas to most of the Delaware Valley's highways, expressways, parkways and routeways. The company has permission for service in seven of the region's eight counties, as Bucks County has so far denied a license to Snack Wheels. "The situation with Bucks is wacky and legally I can't discuss it right now," said Besinger.
Snack Wheels is only permitted to service an accident scene if the line of traffic extends over one mile. "Usually we wait for the news to say that traffic is backed up such and such and that's when we spring into action," said Besinger.
Customers seem to appreciate the snacks and drinks after hours of waiting. "I was so thirsty and really craving a Tastykake apple pie with raisins. They didn't have that, but they did have peanut M&M's. So it's all good," said Jim Higgins, a driver who sat in last weeks I-676 accident traffic.
Moped Driver Wendy Wilson has noticed a trend in the three expressway visits she has had thus far. "As you get closer to the accident scene the drivers tend to be not as hungry or thirsty. Probably because they have seen glimpses of the crash scene."
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